
Climbing Outside of a Box

This is the Statt Mann Baby. Time to Scatt a little bit. I love it when people think outside the box. Refusing to think outside the box may be a reason why so many Americans are quarantined inside a social box now. But I saw some outside the box thinking today while watching CBS Sunday…

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Timmy Hill on Simulation, Racing Rigs & Pit Smoke

NASCAR iRacing Texas Winner Timmy Hill stepped into the spotlight with his win Sunday. That made his appearance in The Freak Nation Sunday night even more bright. Hill has considerable racing experience in NASCAR but his win in a virtual race was pretty important for Hill’s career. Listen…

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Sage Karam on Profanity, Baby Borgs & Upgrades

IndyCar iRacing Watkins Glen Winner Sage Karam has been in and out of IndyCar racing for several years but his virtual win at The Glen Saturday may be a door opener to return to the series regularly. Karam dominated in the iRacing world Saturday and in these different times, that may be enough. Listen…

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