
John Oreovicz Updates the Dario Franchitti Crash

ESPN Motorsports Writer John Oreovicz was in Houston when three-time Indy 500 winner Dario Franchitti crash heavily at the end of the IndyCar race Sunday. Oreovicz has been an IndyCar analyst for many years. He has valuable ideas of how the series could make changes that could increase track safety. We learned a bit of…

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Robin Miller Explains IndyCar’s Global Problems

IndyCar analyst Robin Miller is one of the world’s most versed on the machinations inside IndyCar. That’s why The Freaks had him in The Freak Nation Sunday night before IndyCar’s next round in Houston next weekend. It also came at the end of a pretty difficult week that saw IndyCar losing marketing partners and making…

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Niki Lauda on Hollywood, Hunt & Howard

It was a pleasure Sunday night to talk with three-time Formula One champion Niki Lauda, part of the storyline that makes up the new film from Ron Howard, RUSH. It’s based in 1976 and focuses on the Formula One battle between Lauda and James Hunt. Some are calling the film one of Howard’s best. One…

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