This is the Statt Mann Baby!! Time to Scatt a little bit.

I’m taking longer looks at this idea of civility in culture and the world of motorsports.

Recently several motorsports media personalities were answering the question: Do champions make for poor losers?

Suffice to say they ripped the concept of losing calling those who lose poor by definition.

One said you don’t get to the pinnacle of racing by being polite or reflective.

I would imagine that media people who don’t get ratings, or don’t have the most readers or don’t add to the bottom line of their media outlet… I imagine they don’t call themselves losers even though they aren’t winning.

Everyone is quick to call the other a loser. But when THEY don’t win, it’s just part of the game. Go figure…

I’m starting to believe that the ultimate loser is the one who thinks winning is the only option, especially when winning comes at the expense of one’s own civility.
