This is the Statt Mann Baby. It's time to Scatt a little bit.

I'm not a film critic. But I have seen and created enough films to know what I like and what I don't.  The Senna documentary that opened this week in New York and Los Angeles I like a lot.

It's a documentary that could have easily been a scripted story about a brilliant, passionate man who loved his career and his country and had to overcome obstacles to be brilliant in both communities.

If you're listening to me you know Ayrton Senna. But even if the story was about Joe Smith, it would hold together as a film. There are heroes, villians, plots and subplots as well as texture and angst and ecstasy.

You learn the passions of a great man. His belief system. His charitable life. The barriers he had to overcome to succeed at both.

It could have easily been scripted with a film built around a Hollywood headliner instead of a real man who lived and died in front of our eyes.  The archival footage is endless. I'm told the film makers looked at as much at thirty thousand hours to decide on ten. Then it was cut down to three and the final 100 minutes.

It's brilliant. If you want someone else's view how about the Sundance Film Festival. It won the documentary category.

You don't have the option of not seeing Senna. Even if you hate F1, it's not an F1 film. It's a story about a man who lived and changed the world around him.

See it.
