This is the Statt Mann  Baby.  Time to Scatt a little bit.

I was on my way home from another Saturday night at Irwindale Speedway last night when I stopped at a neighborhood gas station to feed an addiction, a late night snack.
15-0802 Gas Prices
I noticed, though, that the gasoline for sale was scaled back from five dollars a gallon. Some research when I got home told me that gas company profits were down to ONLY six billion dollars in the last quarter for several reasons including a glut of supply on hand.

Now high school economics told me that big supply and little demand was supposed to drive down prices, not raise them.

When I put the picture on Facebook some friends said gas prices five minutes away were twenty to thirty percent less.

Then today, with last night top of mind, I watched a car race where the strategic plan was how fast you could get fuel into the car to keep going.

Friends, we must find a way to demand more of motorsports than burning fuel going in circles.  We just can’t live in that world any longer.
