This is the Stattmann Baby!!  Time to Scatt a little bit.

In December a national magazine asked the question is auto racing sport or show business.  I read some reaction this morning on an airplane.

The opinions included: “conflicting goals between sponsors and fans have virtually ruined professional auto racing.” 

Another reader wrote: “if all the cars look and sound the same, save your hard-earned dough and go to the local county fair where you can see the same thing on the merry-go-round.”

I couldn’t agree more.

This entertainment idea has homogenized racing and its drivers so much they’ve gone milk carton missing.

Competitive racing is entertaining but show biz entertainment?  PLEASE!

The problem is so many believe that pig dip that they’re buying the scripts the race producers are putting on the pole.

Will there be entertaining competitive racing in 2006?  Only from Rube Goldberg cars made from rubber rules trying to follow a rewritten script so  we can be hypnotized by the merry-go-round.
