This is the Stattmann Baby!!  Time to Scatt a little bit.

Here’s more from the “Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics” Department.

First, F1 Imperial Wizard Bernie Ecclestone says F1 never gets anything good out of the U.S. including a big committed U.S. sponsor.

Well, Bernie must have forgotten about Intel, Marlboro, Shell, Ray Ban, Johnnie Walker, Mobil, Boss, T-Mobile and Budweiser.

These are all companies born, bred, based or biased toward the U.S.

And let’s not talk about Toyota or Red Bull who wouldn’t survive without U.S. greenbacks.

Bernie also brags about the huge F1 broadcast audience; 400 million by some estimates.

But that number’s not as stupid as one dreamed up by a world soccer official who claimed a 30 BILLION audience for the total World Cup tournament.

30 BILLION with a B in a world that only has about six and a half billion including those who’ve never heard of electricity much less soccer, TV or, even, Cups.

Did you hold up your end of either bargain this past month?
