This is the Stattmann Baby!!  Time to Scatt a little bit.

I was watching the endless Super Bowl Pre-Game show this afternoon; you know, broadcasting’s latest attempt at an insomnia cure.  And something hit me during a piece about pro football cornerbacks.

In all their smugness about being left on a corner or how quick you can move from hero to goat or how one mistake could leave you toasted with victory on the line.

My mind went to the racetrack where you’re on an island every second of the contest where every micro decision could leave you the hero or the goat or just plain toasted.

There’s no offense or defense.  There’s no timeouts or halftimes.  And there’s no delay for a look at the replay or a coach to put in a replacement even when one is desperately needed!

Obviously, racing and pro football are far different sports.  But players and drivers are much closer in design and makeup than anyone wants to admit.

The biggest difference?  What the media has told THEM and US about their various endeavors and how we’ve stupidly brought into those lies.
