This is the Statt Mann Baby. Time to Scatt a little bit.

Lewis HamiltonI’ve always wondered by Mercedes doesn’t do more marketing with Lewis Hamilton here in the United States. The six-time World Champion driver is one of the most recognized black men in the world and he races a Mercedes Benz Formula One car more than 20 times a year.

Hamilton now, though, is speaking for himself and he might be heard on his own even here in America. He’s announced a commission designed to use motorsport to advance education and opportunities among Black youth.

In The Times of London Hamilton announced a partnership with the Royal Academy of Engineering. The Hamilton Commission will focus on how motorsport can be used to increase interest and opportunities for black youth in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

Hamilton has been vocal about global systemic racism since the George Floyd murder in Seattle Memorial Day.

In The Times he wrote: “If we want to change things in a real way, we need a more diverse group of people in positions of power, but that ambition becomes a lot more difficult if kids aren’t getting the education they need.”

Maybe Mercedes can back a similar push here in America. Black Americans buy their cars. Maybe they should respect that more.
